My new venture is taking off ... want to get on board?


Welcome to The Ear!

Thank You Very Much indeed for checking us out. There is so much to announce, riding on the crest of this sound wave that when it crashes there will be enough pedal parts along the shore to be fossilized for the next great age. Until then, the skeleton crew here at Of Sound Mind Pedals is excited to announce that our very first line of pedals is set to hit the stage in a dive bar near you, by March of 2025. Our designs are created from an all analog, old school way of thought but that doesn’t mean we shun new technologies or practice any type of “Purist” snobbery. We simply have a secret weapon on our team who retired from a space agency that shall remain nameless and he has a unique mind so it’s always a mystery as to what we’ll be developing. I personally aim to satisfy! So Stay in tuned!
Let’s talk, Casey @ (667)321-4958

We Have NEW Stickers!

Be Sure To Sign Up above!
If you SIGN-UP we’ll get you stickers and throw your name in the mix for a Contest to win a free pedal of your choice. We hope to have all THREE pedals ready for display sometime in March/April. Also, if you have a friend Sign-Up and mention your name by their name by simply adding an Asterisk * it will double your chances to win One of Our Three window shaking, guitar neck vibrating effects pedals! We will Announce the Contest date Soon!